We focus on teaching men how to live a victorious life according to the Word of God, while achieving educational, vocational, occupational, and personal goals in order to become self-reliant and independent.  We ask for your prayers and partnership in supporting our residents along their journey to becoming the men God has called them to be.

Phase 1


To enter CITA's program, a resident must demonstrate a sincere desire for change in their life, and commit to a structured faith based curriculum.  New residents are evaluated physically and emotionally to determine the services they will potentially need from us and/or our partners in the community. For the first 30 days at the mission, the resident must work on campus while participating in all required classes and church services.  The resident enters Phase 2 of the program when he demonstrates integrity and accountability, completes work assignments, and demonstrates positive personal changes in his life.

Phase 2

A resident enters the Overcomer Phase when he is learning to break free from his struggles in life, and demonstrates growth in his faith.  During this phase, the resident receives an employment assessment, career counseling, vocational training, and continued discipleship.  The resident continues to learn his identity in Christ, allowing him to understand his calling in life.  This stage of the program offers men the opportunity to combine their skills with their Christian faith to help understand their purpose.

Phase 3

An Achiever is a resident with a measured record of success.  This includes spiritual growth through the knowledge of the Bible, and by also achieving sustainable employment outside the Mission.  During this phase, the resident must participate in financial counseling, including strict adherence to a budget while maintaining a savings plan.  We also continue to focus on the spiritual growth through one on one discipleship studies and life skills.  Once the resident has demonstrated sustainable employment for 90 days, they become eligible for Phase 4 of the program.

                       Phase 4

At this stage of CITA's program, a resident becomes consistently more self-reliant and independent.  He continues to grow in his identity as a man of God as well as  participate in the Mission's programs as they successfully reenter society becoming productive members within our community.  We ask you to partner with us in prayer and support for these men as they become the men God intended them to be. 

Do you need our help?

Are you or someone you know ready to break the chains of addiction, pain, and homelessness?  CITA can help! 
Our faith based program is designed to help anyone experiencing homelessness connect with solutions that best fit their unique situation. From emergency services like meals and shelter, to more long-term solutions like  rehabilitation, job training and transitional housing opportunities, there are no problems too big for our loving God, and through HIM, we are here to help guide those we serve to a victorious and productive life.

CONTACT CITA Residential Program Application
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