From the Streets to Safety

Beth's Story of Transformation

When the world around us was turned upside down by COVID-19, many people faced life-altering changes. For Beth, it meant the end of a 34-year marriage and, tragically, the loss of her home. Soon, her car broke down, she lost her job, and she was evicted from her apartment. With no family nearby and no place to turn, she lived on the streets, uncertain of where to find shelter or safety. For one long year, Beth’s life was consumed with fear, loneliness, and a deep longing for change.

But even in the darkest of times, God’s hand was at work.

Beth’s story took a turn when she learned that CITA was building a shelter for single women and mothers with children. Without hesitation, she reached out to be added to the waiting list. Week after week, she called to remind them that she still needed help, and on June 10, 2024, she became the very first guest admitted to Helen’s House.  It was here, in this safe haven, that Beth began to experience transformation she never could have imagined.

Growing up, Beth had a distorted view of God. The family around her professed to know Him, but their actions did not match up or set a good example of Christian life. At Helen’s House, all that changed. Through the Fervent Bible Study, a small group at her church, and the encouragement of the staff and volunteers, Beth began to understand God in a new light. “I never imagined the Bible as being a part of my everyday life.  I understand it now!” she says.

This revelation was just the beginning! As Beth’s faith grew, she also worked hard on rebuilding her life. She engaged in daily work therapy, completed life skills and financial training, and took career development classes to prepare for her future. Her faith has only deepened as she moves forward with newfound purpose.

Beth is now actively searching for a new direction in her career, and as she reflects on her journey, she can see how God has been working in her life every step of the way. "I know now that I am loved deeply by God, and He has a great purpose for my life," she shares. 

Beth’s story is just one example of the lives being changed at Helen’s House, and none of this would be possible without the generous support of our volunteers and donors. You are the backbone of this ministry - your dedication, time, and resources make it possible for vulnerable women like Beth to find hope, safety, and a fresh start. Without you, Beth’s story could have been very different. Because of you, she now stands strong in her faith, ready to take on the future with purpose and confidence. Thank you!

Louis's Story

This past year has been one of the hardest in my life. I went through a painful divorce, followed by losing my job and my apartment. I felt like everything was falling apart, and I didn’t know how to move forward. I was broken, hopeless, and at rock bottom. But in my darkest moment, God made a way. He opened a door for me at CITA Rescue Mission, and it has changed my life. Here, I found not just a safe place to stay but also a community of friends and godly mentors who have supported me and encouraged me. Through chapel services, Bible studies, and prayer, I’ve been able to grow closer to Christ and strengthen my faith.

CITA has helped me rebuild my life. I’ve found a new job that allows me to save money and start planning for my future. More importantly, I’ve experienced a transformation in my heart. I’ve learned what it means to be a new creation in Christ—leaving behind the pain and brokenness of my past and walking in the hope and purpose God has for me. This journey hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it. I’m grateful to CITA for showing me God’s love and helping me take steps toward a brighter future. If you’re struggling, I want you to know there’s hope. God can take even the hardest situations and turn them into something beautiful.

                                                                                             Louis Peronard

Ian's Story

My name is Guthrie Managan, and I’m a resident at CITA Rescue Mission. By the summer of 2024, my life had spiraled into dysfunction and despair, largely due to alcoholism, poor choices, and an ungodly lifestyle. I knew I needed help but had no idea where to turn. My wife suggested CITA, and by God’s grace, I followed her advice.

I arrived at CITA in June and immediately felt welcomed, supported, and as if I’d been given a second chance. Over the past four months, through counseling, Bible study, and fellowship, I’ve reconnected with Jesus Christ, rediscovering peace and joy. I’ve also found a job, regained my driving privileges, and begun repairing relationships with my loved ones. For anyone seeking a meaningful, fruitful life, I can say with confidence: Christ is the answer!

                                                                                Ian Managan

Dave's Story

I had a good childhood with loving parents and family. My sister and I were both adopted from different families, but we were raised together with lots of love. However, things changed when my mother became an alcoholic, which made life really hard. Growing up with my dad was great. He was always there for me, providing for our family. We went to church almost every Sunday, and I was raised Catholic. After high school, I got a job with the City of Boston Transportation, driving a school bus. Later, I became a dispatcher and a driver trainer. I really loved my job and was happy with my life.

But when I was 34, I made a bad choice and started smoking crack. This decision changed everything. I was trapped in addiction, going in and out of programs, detox centers, and halfway houses, trying to fix my life but failing over and over again. When my dad passed away in 2018, I moved to Florida. I stayed with my cousin, but my addiction ruined that relationship. I then lived with a friend, but that didn’t work out either. Eventually, I had no other options and ended up at CITA Rescue Mission. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

Since coming to CITA, I can see that God is working in my life. He’s helping me heal and find a new path. Now, I put my hope in Jesus. I believe He has a good plan for my future, and with Him, I’m looking forward to living a life of true freedom.

                                                                                                          David Boisclair

Daniel's Story

 had already been through CITA twice before this time. My life was always unstable, confusing, and filled with fear. As the second-born of four kids, I often felt alone and depressed. I had little to no relationship with my dad and an unstable relationship with my mom. From seeing my coke-dealing step-dad get beaten and arrested in front of me at the age of three to being in and out of hospitals for multiple suicide attempts, my life was chaotic. I experienced homelessness, living in and out of shelters, moving from state to state, and indulging in a hedonistic lifestyle, passing out drunk and high on a nightly basis. Eventually, this chaos led me to stay in a homeless shelter based in an old military fort in the middle of nowhere in Colorado. One day, while walking around the fort, I heard a "still, small voice" ask me, "Are you done running from me, Daniel?" I knew it was the Lord telling me that I didn't need to run from Him any longer. I returned to CITA, and a week or two later, I spoke with the chaplain, asking if there was still any hope left. He told me, "Yes, and God thinks so too, but you need to get out of His way." That same night in chapel, I was moved when I heard the pastor preach the same message. I felt the Lord convicting me, and I prayed, "Lord, I repent and surrender!" I had an encounter with Him. Over the course of a few months, I have been learning to trust in Jesus, working out my salvation with fear and trembling, but also with humility, hope, and love for Christ. Thanks to CITA's structure, counseling, and encouragement, I've learned to lean on my Heavenly Father more and more every day. Thank you, CITA, and all thanks, honor, and glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!                                                                                 

                                                                                                               Daniel Matos

Curtice's Story

I lived and enjoyed a wonderful life in Brevard County since 1999—until I lost control. My ex-wife and I raised a family in Indialantic while I worked as a regional manager for a statewide plumbing distributor, and later as a national sales representative for the Highland Mint in Melbourne. I used to enjoy dining, having drinks, and occasionally staying at the new downtown hotel, The Melby. But eventually, I found myself sleeping on the sidewalk across the street from it when I became homeless. As a controlling, manipulative, yet functional alcoholic, I always thought I could figure out my next step to continue my selfish, hedonistic lifestyle. But God had other plans. When I was completely broke, homeless, and had exhausted all support from family and friends, CITA (Christ Is The Answer) came to my attention. Despite the challenge of waiting several days on the streets for a bed, I felt a strong pull toward the mission. It usually doesn’t take that long, but God was testing me to see if I was serious enough to surrender and realize He was in control. I even spent a few nights sleeping under the hospital parking lot overhang across the street, feeling an undeniable force directing me there. I now know that force was God. The program here at CITA has given me a pathway to a new, inspiring chapter in my life—one that calls me to serve and help the people in this community who need it most. I now have purpose and hope through my relationship with Jesus! Christ Is The Answer, and I am here as living proof!

                                                                                                    Curtice Robison

Dave's Story

Hello! I'm Dave, and I've been a resident at CITA (Christ is the Answer) Mission for almost eight months. I grew up in a relatively typical family of six, did well in school, and played sports—a normal upbringing, for the most part. However, when I reached my early teens, I started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. These addictions plagued me consistently for the next 40 years. About eight months ago, my situation became so dire that I was on the verge of homelessness. That's when I found CITA Mission. The caring staff and residents understood my struggles and welcomed me with open arms, making me feel like part of their family. Thanks to their support, I have now started to build a spiritual foundation in Jesus Christ that I find completely reliable. Recently, I returned to work and began preparing for a better future. I truly don't know where I would be without the mission. I'm incredibly grateful to have found this place; it has helped me regain my self-worth. Thank you, CITA mission, and everyone who supports it, for helping me get back on my feet. Thank you again, and God bless you!

                                                                           Dave Watkinson

Taiwong's Story

Hello, I'm Taiwong T. Jones. I'm still in the process of addressing some habits that have been holding me back from reaching my full potential. However, since I joined Christ is the Answer Rescue Mission on September 26, 2023, my life has taken a positive turn, all thanks to my Lord, Jesus Christ.

The teachings of the Gospel have guided me out of a dark place and into a brighter, more fulfilling life. I'm grateful to CITA Rescue Mission for providing the structure, stability, and abundant Gospel teachings that have helped me bring order to my life. Now, with Jesus Christ supporting me and the love of my family, I feel ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.

                                                                 Taiwong Jones

Marcus' Story

I have been at "rock bottom" a few times. I kind of always just visited and mingled around a bit, but I always seemed to manage a way out and found some sort of a way to keep maintaining some sort of life. However, this last time was different. I not only hit the bottom; I smashed right through it like a comet. I found that the bottom is not only hard, but also very dark and lonely, as well. Completely overtaken by my addictions and separated from God, I felt I had nothing left but to just give up. Broken and desperate, I sat and prayed. With no money or hope and literally minutes of airtime left on my phone, I stared at my screen asking God what to do. No shelters or rehabs were available, as all county resources had been drained for years... an out of place push notification popped up on my phone with a link to CITA. I called only expecting to be told, yet again, no rooms or beds were available at this time. To my surprise, I was told to come down and talk about my situation. I dropped everything and rushed to CITA!! From that moment and after enrolling in the program, there was no doubt that God guided me every step of the way. I found my faith and reconnection with God on a level I had never known before.  I was redeemed and grow in faith every day. After some time, I got my hope back, and my relationships and trust from my family. I eventually gained employment with very nice company. My life is slowly coming back together; and every day I continue to let God guide my steps. I feel so blessed knowing that He never left my side and was always there just waiting for me. All the glory goes to God!! My gratitude is endless, and I thank Jesus every day for pulling me out of my pit of despair and setting my feet on His solid rock. I pray every day that more people will receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. Christ truly is the answer!!                                                                                Marcus Jones

Charles Ingeldsen

Charles’ childhood was filled with mixed messages. His adoptive parents and grandparents would steer him toward Christ, but his mom was a drug dealer, even selling the family’s prescription drugs. “I was confused and unsure of what to believe,” he recalls.

At 14, Charles started drinking and smoking marijuana. By 2015 he was using meth. “I thought I could manage it but got deeper and deeper into the lifestyle. I became a thief and an adulterer,” he admits. Charles spent years moving from state to state, even hitchhiking US 1 Highway for 10 days from Florida to North Carolina. God brought people to encourage him to get help along the way, and he returned to Florida in 2021.

“That’s when I came to CITA,” he says. “With CITA’s help, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I’m learning how He lives in me and I in Him. And I look forward sharing His word with others!” 

Charles is thankful for you—our faithful and generous partners who paved the way for him to find freedom and hope in Christ. Today, he has reconciled with his sons and, after sharing his faith with them, both have accepted Christ as their Savior. 

Recently, Charles became engaged to Christina, who he met at weekly Bible study. As we watch these two trust God with every step they take, we are grateful to YOU for helping make their story possible.

Francisco's Story

Thank you to God for bringing me to Christ is the Answer Mission! Thank you for bringing me out of the weeds I found myself in a few months ago. I have spent many years missing the mark and drinking alcohol, and this led me to my wits end. While here, I have been able to learn who Jesus really is and allow him to transform me through His Word! I have received so much awesome biblical teaching, and been given the time and space I needed to allow Him to write it on my heart. I could still be homeless on the street with nowhere to go, but because of this ministry, I am not. I have been given a second chance and I have been transformed into a new creation. Thank you for my life!

                                                            Francisco Guerra

Sawyer's Story

“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭17‬ ‭‬‬

Praise God this is my testimony. I was a Christian that was drowning in the sin and shame of my 15+ year sex addiction. In darkness, I developed a shallow sense of self-worth: a worth that is wholly driven on performance. I believed that “God can only fully love me if I fully obey.” I wasn’t living a life worthy of Christ's sacrifice, so naturally, I constantly doubted Gods love for me and even bought into the belief that I don’t need it. At Cita, I discovered the truth that I have always mentally known, but spiritually struggled to believe. That I am beyond loved by The God of the universe whether I am a “good” Christian or a Christian that needs Jesus's forgiveness every minute. I was shown Luke 7:47: “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” ‭‭While being here, God has reaffirmed my call to ministry. Through the Cita Thrift Store, I have the unique opportunity to share my story with a community the needs Jesus every day. If God can radically change the life of the chief of sinners, he can radically change the life of your wandering son and daughter. To God alone be the Glory!!

                                                                                              Sawyer Charters

Steven's Story

I was married with three children, but I completely lost control after we got divorced. I immediately turned to alcohol to take the pain away. It started out as an occasional thing, but it quickly became a daily thing. Alcohol was basically my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I eventually lost everything; my house, my business, and my family and friends that I loved. It all came to a head when I woke up in the hospital from alcohol poisoning. This is when I realized it was time for a change and that I needed help. A close friend of mine told me about CITA, and coming here has truly changed my life. I know that I am right where God wants me to be. I now have a personal relationship with Jesus and His Holy Spirit lives in me! I am now relying on God's strength, not my own. I now have a purpose, and I'm happy about life again. Thank you, CITA!

                                                                         Steven Armstrong

Chris' Story

I grew up in a healthy, nurturing family. I was introduced to a southern Baptist church at five years old, became a believer at 12, and got baptized at 13. I spent the following 20 years being a productive, college-educated member of society while raising 4 stepsons. I had a great career and enjoyed the fruits of my labor. At some point, I put my relationship with God on hold to pursue my own selfish desires. So much so that I lost everything and found myself at 45 years old living in a remote area with no family contact and no job, completely broken and lost. After a few dark years, I finally got down on my knees and prayed that God would remove my burdens and lead me to a better life. A week later, I arrived at CITA and my life began to change. I have been able to renew my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. Thanks to this relationship, God's grace, and the support and structure of CITA I am now becoming the man God made me to be. I am spiritually, mentally, and physically renewed, and so grateful for the second chance I have been given. I thank God and CITA every day for this new life!

                                                                                                Chris Ward

Rick's Story

I've lived a hard life that has led to several mistakes and poor circumstances. It all started in my early years, where, living in poverty, I started choosing to sin. I got into trouble at school which eventually turned into legal trouble due to my drinking. I started to lead a very promiscuous lifestyle. I thought I was starting to head in the right direction in my 20's, as I was going to church and happily married. I was steadily working and even went back to school, but I still had so much unresolved baggage that I was carrying around with me. A storm started brewing in my 30's, and I allowed my pride and anger to take over me. I was slowly destroying my life, and I got to the point where I was hopeless and not wanting to wake up in the morning. I was done! I continued to make poor decisions and deeply hurt the ones I loved until I finally ran out of resources. I came to CITA with absolutely nothing. I was without purpose and completely broken. When I came here, I learned about who Jesus really is, and how much He loves me! I have been growing in His love and truth and have been made completely new! I am grateful for my season here that has allowed me to become the man that God created me to be. I'm trusting in the Lord with my future and where His will leads me.                                                                                                                                            Rick Dixon

Kevin's Story

I had been living this lifestyle for a long time, using crack-cocaine and meth for over 20 years. I served ten years in the air force before this, and always held down a job, which made me think I was fine. In March of 2023, I had a heart attack which put my life in a complete tailspin. It was horrible, but it brought me to CITA. I never knew God before arriving, but since I've been here, I've given my heart to Jesus. He has saved me from this old life and pain and given me freedom in Him. I confessed my sins, and God cleansed my soul. I know I'm a long way from being perfect, but each day here at CITA allows me to grow closer to God. I am so thankful for this new life I have been given, and the new creation that I am.

                                                                    Kevin Byington

Erik's Story

I have struggled with addictions of many kinds, as well as depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and regret. At the age of 16, I started experimenting with pain pills and from there on things went continuously downhill. Up until October 1, 2021, I was what you would call a garbage disposal junkie (daily IV drug user). If I could use it to numb the pain, I used it and didn't care how I got it. At the age of 21, homelessness became a normal part of life. I had periods where I had a place to call home, whether it was back at my parent's home, an apartment of my own, recovery homes, the carnival I traveled with, or a cool slab of concrete. My addictions led me to the loss of my family, friends, and my daughter Destiny, who I haven't heard from in 5 years. At 34 years old, my addiction finally led me to what I thought was the only solution left, stepping out into traffic. That is when God grabbed me! Having lived a life of pro-death, I came to CITA having an attitude of pro-life. Death was no longer an option, and I was ready to do whatever it took not to go back. CITA has been one of, if not the biggest blessings in my life thus far. The rigid structure of this rescue mission has helped me build a solid foundation filled with lifelong habits, relationships, and a fire burning for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ the Messiah. I thank God every day for directing my path to CITA, and for all the men here. God is using this season in my life to build character and a strong spiritual warrior. My God has brought this dead soul back to life! None of this would have been possible if CITA Rescue Mission hadn't been here to be a re-entry program leading me back to Yahweh!                                                                         

                                                                                                                 Erik Spacht 

Chris' Story

Before I came to CITA, I was just getting by. I was drinking heavily and went through several jobs until I found one where I could drink at work. I was on a downward spiral, and genuinely unhappy with myself. I decided that I didn't like how I was living, or the future I was headed for. I had been to CITA before, so I knew my best choice was to go back and start over. I did really well when there previously, but when I left, I didn't take God with me. I didn't use the tools I had learned, and didn't stay in fellowship with any other Christians, which was a huge mistake. I look forward to my continued growth here, and I'm thankful for this opportunity to restore my relationship with Jesus here at CITA! I know it is only by the grace of God that I've been given another chance to get it right and I plan on taking Him with me every step of the way.

                                                                            Chris Burhans

Jim's Story

Before coming to CITA, I had lost my business of thirty years, and fell heavily into alcoholism. My depression worsened, taking a heavy toll on me. I constantly felt like there was no way out and I had no feelings of happiness in my life. A friend of mine told me about CITA, so I decided to give it a try. I had always considered myself to be a Christian, and the Mission being a faith-based program, taught me what it really means to be a Christian. I slowly started to consider my life, and the depression began fading; I felt good inside again. I have learned so much about who Jesus is, and everything He's done for me. I've experienced His healing power, and I am so thankful! I am waiting on the Lord for my next move, and I know He has a plan for me. I have put it in His hands, and I trust Him with my life. Thank you, CITA!

                                                                                             Jim Mackay

Cannon's Story

 I've lived outside of Christianity for a long time. I've always seen other people who were believers, and I noticed that they were different; they had joy. I had always wanted a joy like that, having been in very low places for most of my life. I was constantly finding myself in a pit of sorrow and misery, and every time I turned to the world for relief. I would never find that relief until God brought me to CITA. He provided a space for me to be still, and just rest in Him. This mission takes care of all the basic daily needs I have, so I can truly focus on my relationship with Jesus. I have room to freely become the man that God has made me to be, the person He knew I was before I was born. I don't have to worry now; God has already gone before me and met my needs. I'm so grateful for all God is doing in my life at this place. Thank you, CITA!

                                                                Cannon Henke

Kenita's Story

 I grew up in Brevard County, mainly Cocoa and Rockledge. My mom and stepfather raised me to be a gentleman and have morals; they were very strict. However, I was always into the street life. I began to sell drugs and became very successful. During my mid-twenties, I met a girl who would become my wife. We'd party, and soon began other drug use. We had a stable home, and jobs between the two of us. We were so in love; we could not be separated. Everything was perfect until we started losing things because of our addiction. First went the car and license, next was our home, and then the kids, until we finally lost each other. By 2018, everything was gone. I've been to jail, and other rehab programs, but none of that helped. There was one thing I always fought for, reuniting with my family. I love my wife and kids. I found out about CITA and was willing to give something else a try. Praise God, this is the only thing that has worked in the past 25 years of my life. I am close to God now, my Creator, who I've been looking for the whole time. I have a year of sobriety, I'm saving for a home, and I'm regaining my relationship with my family! The road ahead of me is so bright, Thank you God and CITA for my new direction!                                                 

                                                                                   Kentia Jefferson

Mike's Story

It all started when I was eight, as my family went through a divorce. It hit all of us very hard, and by age ten, my dad had introduced me to sex and drugs. I put walls up in my life, and I was always very angry. It got even worse when my daughter drowned in my bathtub. I didn't care about anyone or anything at that point, all I wanted to do was work and party. I wound up in jail, where I turned to God for help. He brought me to CITA Rescue Mission, where they've shown me, through Jesus, how to love and forgive again. Thank you, CITA! Now, I have a fresh start in life, and I can have joy in the little things. Thank You, Jesus for saving me!

                                                                  Mike Bowling

Wayne's Story

First it was His mercy... Then it was His grace... Then I felt His love... Now I seek His face. After what seemed like a lifetime, 36 years of free-will living on this earth, I'd reached the age and realization that I was lost, and the world had defeated me. A few months before my 37th birthday, I was chauffeured to the hospital after attempting to drink away my pain, sorrow, disappointment, and depression. I was found almost lifeless on a side street by a pedestrian/angel who called the police to report what she thought was a dead body. I woke up the next morning alone in a hospital bed with no memory of what had happened, and no wallet or other belongings. I had lost my identity, or rather never had a true identity being of this world. After being discharged, I walked in the rain to a place I was renting that ,at that point, became like a prison where I'd drink daily when I wasn't working.  On that walk back, something inside me said, "Wayne, there is a bigger purpose for your life here that you yourself cannot fulfill on your own." A few weeks after that, God sent one of His children; a good friend of mine that drove over 14 hours straight to pull me out of the hell I put myself in and brought me to their home. I was still in bad shape from years of living in sin so after my welcome was worn out by continued drinking, my good friend "left me at the feet of Jesus." It didn't feel great at the time, but now I know it was for the best. They had done all they could do. CITA Rescue Mission was my only option.  I was brought to CITA, taken in, and welcomed with love. I got saved 8/1/21, and just as things were looking up, my mother passed away a week later. That alone could have been enough to derail me, but it was then that God comforted and aided me through this major loss.  With the constant structure, chapel services, and Christ-following teachers that the mission provides, I was able to fully lean on my Father in Heaven for all my needs, instruction, and correction. My God showed me how to trust again, how to love again, and by giving my life over to Him, He was able to do His work in me and heal me from the inside out. Jesus freed me from the shackles of sin and the bondage of strongholds. The word of God has put discipline back in my life, giving me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I am the best father, brother, uncle, friend, and person I have ever been, and it is all because of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has blessed me with my license, a vehicle, and next is a home. God has mended countless relationships in my life, and I have 14 months of sobriety standing on the promises of God. I do my best daily to live by the word of God and will continue to be of service to Him until he calls me home and I hear Him say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."               
                                                                                                      Wayne Valentine

Mike's Story

On April 18th, the morning after Easter, I found myself with nowhere to go and no hope. I had never heard of CITA before but somehow this is where I ended up. After these past 5 months at CITA, I'm sure it was God who brought me here. This program brought the discipline and accountability back into my life and reintroduced me to Jesus. My relationship with Jesus gets stronger everyday thanks to CITA and my fellow residents. Thank you, CITA, for saving my life and thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul.                                               Mike Elsasser

Earl's Story

Before I came to the mission, I always wanted to be the captain of my life. I constantly ran to alcohol and other things of this world for pleasure and comfort. I got to a really low place and felt that I could never be free of this burden. But God, in all His Love, has truly taken my addiction from me through my relationship with Christ gained here at CITA. He has put me in a new place where I am able to serve and give back my life to Him and His service. I want others to see what the Lord has done in my life. I'm able to serve here at CITA, and able to help in the Children's Ministry at my Church. I want to thank God, CITA, and all of its supporters for truly being free! I now have a purpose!

                                                            Earl Hoffman

Francis' Story

I was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, and being a child in an Air Force family, my life was full of constantly moving. It wasn't always easy, but I got to see some amazing places. My dad finally retired from being a pilot and we settled down as a family in Satellite Beach, Florida. I was raised in a wonderful household, and we were a typical family. I got introduced to surfing and it was like living in a dream; my life revolved around it. As I got older, I started hanging around people who were smoking marijuana, and eventually tried it myself. I started to deal more and more in it until I was eventually selling it. Soon enough, I got into doing the same thing with cocaine and it was off to the races. I became a full-time coke dealer and surfing was on the back burner. I was in and out of jail but still continued to do the same thing. The results were going to prison twice, broken relationships, a destroyed marriage, and so much more. One thing that always stuck with me though, I knew that God was trying to get my attention. My mom and dad ended up passing away ten months apart, and a week after the second funeral my dog died in my arms. I completely lost it and threw away eight years of sobriety. After two years of binging, I got clean again and met a wonderful Christian woman. We were involved in church, small groups, etc. Then one day at the beach, it was really hot, so I cooled off with a beer. Of course, this only led to more and I was right back to square one with the cocaine. Someone mentioned CITA, and I came here not knowing what to expect, but dove right in. CITA gave me the opportunity to transform my life and I am forever grateful. This place changes so many lives through our precious Saviour, Jesus Christ. My faith has been renewed thanks to this season. When the Lord decides to take me home, I will find and thank Johnny and Helen Ellison both for this work they started over fifty years ago.

                                                                                                       Francis Csaszar

Josh's Story

For many years, I have been addicted, lost, and broken. The way I was living was unbearable. I had no idea there was another way. God finally led me to CITA. I was accepted in open arms and felt like a new person right away. I found myself surrounded by so much love and compassion. Just a year ago, if you asked me if I believed in God, I would have honestly said, no, but now I see His love in the face of every one of the staff and residents here. Everyone here is so clearly connected and there is such a power here that I can't explain. Since coming to CITA, I now wake up every day with purpose. I know that I matter. It's hard to explain how big a deal that is to someone that has spent so much time in sorrow. I have a new life. My old path was headed to ruin, and I just kept walking in it because I didn't know there was another way. I just had to turn around and follow God. Here at CITA, I have gotten a fresh start and for the first time in my life, I see a future that's worth living. As I write this, I am 212 days sober and that was only possible through Christ. Thank you for showing me that Christ Is The Answer.

                                                                                     Josh Burnell

Charles's Story

I was adopted at birth, and my adoptive parents and grandparents tried their best to steer me towards Christ, but it was contradictory to some of the other influences in my life and I was left confused and unsure of what to believe. My mom was a drug dealer and would sell both of our prescription pills. At 14, I started drinking and smoking marijuana. I've been a thief and adulterer. In 2015, I started using meth thinking I could manage it, but I began to get deeper and deeper into this lifestyle. I knew I needed help, thanks to God using the people around me. I spent a few years jumping from state to state, even walking/hitch-hiking north on US 1 for 10 days from Florida to North Carolina. After all this, I moved back to Florida in 2021 and started the program here at CITA. Before arriving, I couldn't call myself a follower of Christ. Now, with their help, I have accepted Jesus as my Savior, and I am learning how He lives in me, and I in Him. I'm so excited for the work God has planned and looking forward to sharing the Word with others. Thank you, CITA, for allowing God to use you in my life.

                                                                      Charles Ingeldsen

Steve's Story

Four months ago, I was alone in Melbourne without seemingly anywhere to turn. I was humbled by my struggle with drinking, which has hung over me for more than half of my life. Worst of all, I had lost my connection with God. I arrived at CITA just in time. Through the structure and accountability of the program, I have been allowed to heal both physically and spiritually. I have begun earning the trust of those around me, my loved ones, and myself. I'm able to contribute my vocal talents in praise to the Lord who gave them to me, and work for the good of my brothers around me. My heart is full of gratitude for all who contribute to the success of CITA Rescue Mission.

                                                                 Steve Johnson

Maurice's Story

 Jesus came into my life when I was 22 years old and I was baptized at St. James Missionary Baptist Church in Eau Gallie. I fell into drugs and alcohol and stopped walking after Jesus and continued to fail over and over. I decided I needed a change in my life and came to CITA. I've always struggled with depression and have felt like I played the victim a lot in my life. There is a forgiveness book that is a part of the program and through it, I have learned that in order to move forward in life, you have to learn to forgive yourself as Christ has forgiven us. CITA gave me the opportunity to sober up from drugs and alcohol. Thanks be to God, I am now 7 months clean. I am working, saving for my future, and bettering myself for my family.  I want to thank God, our Father, for sending His son to be crucified for our sins. I want to thank my Mother and Father for creating me and I want to thank all who have helped guide me at CITA with endless effort and helped direct my paths to righteousness. Thank you for all you have done for us here. Be kind as Jesus is kind and forgive as Jesus forgives.

Ephesians 2:8-9

                                                                         Maurice "Mo" Moore

Zab's Story

Hi, My name is Zab. A little less than 6 months ago, I came to CITA from prison after serving 9 years. My choices had damaged and broken many important relationships. During my time in prison, I was able to think hard about the consequences of those choices and became determined to change my path moving forward. Here at the Mission, I have been blessed by Pastor Perry, who is really a servant of the Lord. Thanks to him and the advice of godly people who work and volunteer at CITA, I have been able to put my goals in motion. I am now working, have saved enough money to buy a reliable vehicle, and I'm getting closer with my family again. For the first time in my life, I'm actually thinking about my future with excitement. I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived at CITA, but looking back on the past 6 months, I know the Lord Led me to this place and I am so grateful to Him.                         

                                                                                     Zab Phillips

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