
William's Story

I have had a personal relationship with Christ for more than half a century. In 1985, my father asked me to come to Palm Bay to tend to my mother who was getting dementia. After her death in 1987, I returned to Michigan. When COVID hit, my church went remote. The libraries closed and I was alone in my bedroom, day after day, feeling miserable.  I needed to get to someplace where I could be with people.  Suffering through the Pandemic with an empty bank and crushing loneliness, God gave me an exit strategy that led me to CITA Rescue Mission.  Here, I am useful, working in the kitchen and fellowshipping with others while being spiritually fed. The bank account that always emptied monthly, is now building funds for the next stage in my life. I am happy in Christ, seeking to do His will. I am doing things much differently than I did in my younger years and CITA is giving me the time and the refuge to do it right this time.

                                                                        William Hubbell

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